Public Policy

Regulatory Affairs

MOLST Updates

DOH Post Lawsuit Guidance on CDPAP Rates

October 10, 2019 Guidance

August 30, 2019 DOH FI Billing DAL

Link to August 30 DAL

DOH August 2019 Dual Eligibles Stakeholder Meeting

August 13 Dual Eligibles Stakeholder Meeting PowerPoint Slide

Blank After Action Report for Emergency Preparedness Drill

Blank After Action Report for EP Drills

Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination Report

Influenza Reporting DAL

Criminal History Record Checks (CHRC)

CHRC Statewide Financial System (SFS) Dear Administrator Letter (DAL)

Waiver Cost Reports

DOH Cost Report Manual

DOH NHTD/TBI Cost Report Webinar Slides

Copy of DOH 19 15 Cost Report

Emergency Preparedness

Lower Hudson Valley Health Emergency Preparedness Coalition Communications Plan

Coalition Surge Test Materials 2018

After Action Report Template

Winter Weather Guidance 2017-2018

This is an Advisory from the New York State Department of Health (DOH) related to preparing for winter weather and storms.

Tropical Storm Florence Guidance for Providers of Health and Residential Care .

Employee Scheduling (Call-in) Regulations

HCP works closely with the New York State Department of Health and other State agencies to address regulatory concerns that impact home care agencies. HCP provides members with expert insight on how to comply with State health care regulations as well as program changes and updates.

Revised Employee Scheduling Regulations (December 2018)

HCP Testimony on 2017 Employee Scheduling Regulations

HCP Comments to the Governor on 2017 Employee Scheduling Regulations

HCP Comments on Revised Employee Scheduling Regulations

2017 CHHA/LTHHCP Statistical Report 2017 Hospice Cost and Utilization Report

Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) – 2017 CHHA/LTHHCP Statistical Report 2017 Hospice Cost and Utilization Report

Minimum Wage

Additional Minimum Wage 18-19 FAQs

State issues Minimum Wage Guidance for 2017-18 , affirming 2016-17 directives.

Wage parity guidance for New York City based providers [10/31/2017]

Wage parity guidance for Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties [10/31/2017]

Non NYC PCA Rate Adjustment DAL
CHHA Revised Minimum Wage DAL

HCP’s letter to Acting Medicaid Director Donna Frescatore strongly urging the Department to issue guidance immediately to managed long term care plans (MLTCs) requiring contract amendments be sent to providers by the December 31, 2018 effective date.

LHCSA Statistical Report & Registration Process

DOH issues LHCSA Statistical Report DAL. Requires Statistical Report submission by the November 16, 2018 deadline and compliance with
the new LHCSA registration process, effective January 1, 2019.

Instructions for Downloading 2017 LHCSA Statistical Report (UDCS) Software

Instructions for LHCSA Statistical Report & Registration Forms

2017 LHCSA Statistical Report FAQ

Updated 2017 LHCSA Statistical Report FAQ

MLTC/LHCSA Contracting Limitations

HCP issues updated MLTC Plan Market Share and LHCSA Contract Availability Projection. This report contains information on the managed long term care (MLTC) partial capitation plan landscape as of July 2018 and the number of contracts each plan would have in both the Upstate and Downstate regions.

DOH issues final MLTC/LHCSA Contracting Limitations guidance .

DOH issues LHCSA Regulatory Requirements DAL. This DAL serves as a reminder to all LHCSAs that State and Federal Law prohibits certain kickbacks, such as “offering, paying, soliciting, or receiving any payment in return for referring a Medicaid recipient to a LHCSA or other Medicaid services provider”.

HCP responds to draft MLTC/LHCSA Contracting Limitations guidance.

24-hour Live-in Case; Sleep and Meal Time Regulations

HCP Testimony on Proposed Sleep and Meal Time Regulations

HCP’s Letter to Governor Cuomo Regarding NYS Supreme Court’s Decision on DOL Emergency Regulation


The Delivery System Reform Incentive Program is the main mechanism by which New York State will implement the Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) Waiver Amendment. Value Based Payments (VBP) is a move to shift monetary incentives in health treatment from volume to quality.

Learn more and view updates on DSRIP and VBP.


On May 30, 2018 the Department of Health published it’s proposed regulations for the Advanced Home Health Aide (AHHA) program. Final adoption is expected after a 60 day public comment period.

Download the proposed AHHA regulations


Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program II

Applications for the program are closed as of March 29, 2018 at 4:00 pm. Grants are anticipated to be awarded by April 24, 2018. Grant rewards may be delayed due to pushbacks in the application due date.

Universal Billing Codes (UBCs)

Updated UBC billing codes and modifiers guidance [12/07/2018]

DOH extends UBC implementation date until April 1, 2018.

It has been brought to the Department of Health’s (DOH) attention that managed care plans are continuing to alter billing modifiers set forth by the Department, thereby contradicting New York State Public Health Law and the intent of UBCs, which are scheduled to go into effect April 1, 2018. In response, the Department stated that it will issue a letter in late March regarding the implementation of the UBCs. [Note: DOH has not issued a letter as of 4/4/2018] The Department also indicated in its response that DOH will stand by the Public Health Law when told there have been concerns regarding managed care plans altering codes.

HCP has previously addressed this concern with DOH and recently urged the Department to issue a Frequently Asked Questions document on the UBCs, in addition to further guidance on the implementation of the codes. HCP will alert members when further guidance becomes available.

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