Advocacy Action Center

Developing relationships with legislators takes time and persistence. It’s ineffective to show up out of the blue with a long list of demands- like we sometimes must do during the state budget or legislative session. A more effective strategy is to build strong, long-term relationships with legislators based on effective, regular communication. We do our part here in Albany, and it’s time to bring home care HOME- to legislators’ district offices. That’s where our members come in. No one is a better local expert in your business than YOU.

Toolkits and Resources for Grassroots Activists

Basics for Lawmakers: Leave-Behind Materials

Toolkit 1:
One Small Step: Make a District Office Visit to Your Lawmakers

Toolkit 2:
Bringing it Home: Invite a Lawmaker on a Home Visit

HCP Videos 

Demystifying New York’s Legislative and Budget Sessions 2024

Events & Educations


Recent News Alerts
