Governor Hochul Announces Increased Security Measures

Late on Thursday, October 12, 2023, Governor Hochul spoke to New Yorkers regarding measures being taken to protect public safety.

Acknowledging the events of the past week including the Israel – Hamas War, related protests and demonstrations, and troubling reports that Hamas has called for a day of action today, Friday, October 13, Hochul stated she is working with NYC Mayor Adams to reassure the state’s citizens that violence will not be tolerated, regardless of the motivating ideology. Hochul elaborated that she is outraged by reports of violence or threats against Jewish and Palestinian New Yorkers, including specific attacks on individuals earlier in the week.

The governor stressed that there is no intelligence indicating there are active threats in NYS. State authorities are nonetheless exercising “elevated vigilance” and will “impose measures to deter any potential violence.”

To that end, the State Police and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Office of Counterterrorism are fully activated, with a strong presence throughout the five boroughs and the rest of the state. The NY National Guard stands by for activation, and is already directed to patrol key transportation hubs. The Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) and the Port Authority have heightened security measures, and the Hate Crime Task Force is on high alert.

Hochul explained that measures have already been taken this week to ensure State Police work with local law enforcement to increase patrols and outreach to yeshivas, synagogues, museums, and other places that are deemed to be vulnerable.

Governor Hochul is in communication with the White House and federal security authorities in order to stay informed. She reiterated to New Yorkers that public safety is her top priority, adding:

 “There’s no reason to feel afraid. No one should feel they have to alter their normal lives or their routines. And indeed, when we change our behavior without a serious, credible threat, then we’re letting the terrorists win. I want all New Yorkers to feel confident going to a synagogue, going to school, walking the streets of New York and throughout our state over the next few days.”

At least one downstate county has released a notification regarding increased surveillance of social media channels in order to identify any possible threats.

HCP encourages our members to share this information with their workers, especially those who spend the day in the field. They may need to alter their planned route if crowds are gathering for any reason. At least two college protests are planned, and others may be developing.

This is a timely reminder to our provider members to regularly review your emergency management plans and make updates as needed.

Increased police presence is not necessarily cause for alarm, rather, it is hoped to bring an increased sense of safety. As always, all New Yorkers are urged to review safety tips and guidance and report any and all suspicious activity by calling 1-866-SAFENYS (1-866-723-3697) or reporting online.

Free to the public, HCP’s Reporting Suspicious Activity webinar includes access to palm cards and offers lots of useful tips for the home care industry specifically.