June 7, 2024

CHRC System Issues and DOH Guidance

An HCP member alerted us to an issue with accessing the Criminal History Record Check function in the Health Commerce System (HCS). HCP contacted the CHRC technical department to inquire about the status of the resolution. 

CHRC responded that the system had been “temporarily unavailable for several providers since Friday 05/31.” They informed us that the IT department is working on a fix, and the issue is expected to be “completely resolved shortly”.

Today, DOH released the following information: “We have received reports of providers having technical problems when attempting to access the Criminal History Record Check portal.  IT has been notified and is working on a fix to correct the issue.  We do not have a timeframe of how long this will take but do expect for it to be resolved quickly.  Some providers have been able to access the portal by changing their browser to Chrome, Firefox, or Explorer, but this has not worked for everyone.  If you are looking to check the status of an applicant, you can do that by sending us an e-mail at chrc@health.ny.gov with the applicant’s full name and DOB or by calling 518-402-5549. If looking to submit documents for an applicant, you can e-mail us at chrc@health.ny.gov.  Thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.”

We greatly appreciate the information from our HCP members, who are our “eyes and ears” in the field. Contacting us when you have an issue allows us to help all HCP members.