About Us


The Early Years

In the early 1970’s, several home care agencies on Long Island joined forces and formed the New York State Association of Professional Home Health Care Providers, Inc. now known as the New York State Association of Health Care Providers, Inc. (HCP).  HCP’s original founders included Brian Botshon, Maurice Kelly, Marilyn Menichelli, Norma Recco, Bill Schnell and Roz Wilkins.

During the early years of HCP, the Association focused on local Department of Social Services issues surrounding the newly emerging Personal Care Program. Members met monthly to discuss issues of concern within the home care industry. One of the first major tasks became the fight to end discrimination against proprietary home care agencies on both the State and Federal levels. HCP advocated for reform of the New York State Insurance Law to allow insurance reimbursements for home care services.

HCP’s Transition Years

Until 1985, HCP was completely volunteer-run. Working from a home office, the newly appointed Executive Director, Patricia Page, developed HCP’s first major education seminar on licensure compliance. Then in 1986, Phyllis Wang was elected Board Chair.  HCP members believed that the home care industry needed a voice in Albany, and they held a Strategic Board Retreat to determine the future of the Association.

Following the Retreat, HCP emerged with a new mission and renewed pride and Phyllis Wang became HCP President and Edna Lauterbach became HCP’s fourth Board Chair.  HCP opened its first office in 1988, at 90 State Street in Albany, a move that signified a commitment to broader, Statewide issues. By 1990, the newly-formed Community Health Care Services Foundation, Inc. (CHC) began to offer extensive educational programs, including the  Home Care Management Institute, which provided education and training related to running a licensed home care services agency.

In 1995, HCP retained its first Federal lobbyist that expanded the role of the State lobbying firm and also established the Health Care Provider Federal Political Action Committee (HCP Federal PAC)–all in order to address the Federal issues now greatly impacting HCP members.

HCP Today

HCP has continually changed to provide key support and advocacy for its members on a wide variety of State and Federal issues. Whether the issue is the transition to Managed Care, value-based purchasing models of care, unfunded mandates, workforce shortages, reductions in reimbursement, or the implementation and/or changes to the Affordable Care Act, members can always rely on HCP to lead the way through advocacy, information and education.

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